

At BSSS India, many students come from all across the state to live in the college residences, which come closest to being a home away from home. Caring warden, tight security, prompt medical aid, nutritious and hygienic food, common room with TV, indoor games and other recreational facilities ensure a pleasant stay, allowing students to focus on their academics. BSSS India provides a separate hostel facility for its students. The rooms are spacious, well furnished with all modern facilities and comforts, designed to impart an environment that helps the student adjust with the educational demands of the college, learn the essentials of an ideal life and develop social networks.


1. Admission will be valid for one academic year only.
2. Boarder must observe strict discipline regarding her conduct, mannerisms and behavior in the hostel, in the dining hall and in the campus. Deliberate damage to the hostel property, use of abusive language and any kind of misconduct are punishable offences and may lead to expulsion from the hostel.
3. Every boarder should be in the hostel by 7.00 P.M. in summer and 6.00 P.M. in winter season. If she has to stay out after the said timing owing to any special reason, she must obtain prior permission from the warden.
4. A boarder must obtain a valid out pass while going out of the campus. Only the parent/ guardian whose name and photograph has been registered in the hostel admission form is authorized to take the student with her/him. No boarder is allowed to go out of the college premises without seeking written permission from the Principal/Warden. Occasional permission can be granted on very special (only emergency) grounds.
5. Visitors are not allowed inside the hostel. Only the parents/guardians whose names are registered in hostel admission form will be allowed to meet the boarder in the visiting lounge only and that too in the visiting hours as under:Saturday : 4. 00 P.M. to 6. 30 P.M.
Sunday : 10.00 A.M. to 12.30 P.M.

6. No boarder will be allowed to stay at her local guardian’s house without prior written permission.
7. Mobile Phones, Electronic gadgets, Music system, Electric iron, Gold ornaments and other things of monetary value are strictly prohibited.
8. Allotment of the room, furniture etc. will be entirely at the discretion of warden and no complaint in this regard will be entertained.
9. A boarder can be permitted to go to her home town only in vacations/ holidays. She must return to the hostel on the reopening day of the college. A late fee of Rs. 100/- per day will be charged from the defaulter. If a boarder is absent from the hostel for more than 10 days without information, her registration may be cancelled.
10. Fighting or groupism will lead to expulsion of the boarder.
11. No nuisance of any kind shall be made at any time in the hostel premises, like playing loud music/ games etc.
12. Every student shall keep the room allotted to her neat and clean. She shall take proper care of the furniture and fixtures handed over to her. The hostel authorities have the right to enter and inspect the room at any time, even in the absence of the students.
13. No student shall use the service of a hostel servant for personal work even on payment.
14. All matters relating to differences among students and complaints about the hostel servants shall be brought to the notice of the warden, who will take action as may be necessary.
15. To take part in all the activities organized for boarder is mandatory for all the students.
16. Boarders will be required to vacate the room with in 3 days on completion of the scheduled examination each year .
17. Charges for any damages to the property as well as to the furniture and fixtures caused by a student/students negligence will be recovered from the student/students staying in the said room.
18. Before leaving the hostel, a boarder must pay all dues and hand over the charge of room and other material in satisfactory condition to the warden.
19. Student suffering from any contagious disease will not be allowed to stay in the hostel. Decision of the Principal / In-charge in this regard will be final.
20. The college will not be responsible for any identification against claims arising due to illness, accident or mishap.
21. Boarders are required to give their consent about continuing the hostel facilities in the next year, before vacating the hostel rooms.

Rules Regarding Fees :

1. The fees will be charged for one academic year irrespective of the date of admission of the student.
2. Fees once paid will not be refunded in any case even if the student leaves the hostel mid session.
3. The boarder will have to deposit the fee in the scheduled time.
4. The boarders must keep all the receipts of the fees safely.
5. Caution money will be refunded after the completion of the entire course and clearing all the dues.
6. Caution money of the boarder who will be found damaging the hostel property will be forfeited.